
Snapchat Launches New Features

Snapchat Launches New Features: What this means for brands, publishers, and the future of competing social channels

Earlier this month, Snapchat made a big move: it launched its paperclip feature in the app, allowing users and brands to attach website links to their snaps before sharing. Previously, the only way to link a snap was by buying an ad on the platform and directing people how to swipe.

This is a major win for brands and publishers, particularly for those that use influencer partners. It will now be easier than ever to expand those partnerships to Snapchat and see some true ROI though website traffic. While Snapchat is still lagging behind other social networks in terms of its analytics, data, and measurement tools, this gives the social photo and video platform a leg up on its top competition, Instagram Stories, which currently only provides this linking feature for “verified” accounts.

These types of updates lead to conversations about the ongoing battle between all social media platforms for the attention of consumers and brand ad dollars. It’s a catch-22 that propels platforms to make cutting-edge updates and keeps brands on their toes as they allocate their social media budgets for both organic and promoted content.

So what does this really mean for brands? How should this shape your social strategy? Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty:

Why update? It’s all about user engagement

When social media platforms make big changes, it’s all about getting users to their channel or getting more engagement from the ones that are already there. In the case of this update, it’s a big move in the realm of user experience. Finding and following brands on Snapchat has not been as easy as it has been on competing social sites like Facebook and Instagram. And these channels have set the precedent that when people see something they like, they should be able to engage with it easily. Previously, Snapchat didn’t offer a way to shop an influencer’s outfit, read a brand’s full blog, or sign up for email updates, which caused some users to lean toward other platforms. Now, with just the swipe of a finger, users can get to what they really want—more content. What’s more, you don’t have to be an influencer or brand to take advantage of this feature. While we can’t be sure how this will affect Snapchat’s competition with other platforms, we’re excited to see how people engage with it.

What’s the big deal? Engaged users = ad dollars

Social media platforms are willing to put their time and effort to update their platform not just to make users happy but also because happy users equate to happy advertisers. As each of these social platforms has begun to offer advertising, they’ve become even more focused on the user experience in order to prove to their advertisers that their dollars are worthwhile. After all, a platform’s advertising real estate isn’t worth much if no one is around to see it, right?

How take advantage: Meet your people where they are

Here’s what truly matters for those of us on the frontlines of a social media strategy. Of course, we all want users to ultimately find their way to our owned channels. But in order to do that, you have to find them in their natural habitat. This means taking your audience, the social platform features and its reporting capabilities, and your content into account when choosing where and how to reach your audience. With this checklist in mind, you’re bound to come out on top!

Looking to breathe some new life into your social channels? That’s what we’re here for! We’d love to chat.

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