
More RFPs. Less SMH. Technically speaking, of course.

If you are a small or mid-sized agency like us, you likely don’t have a dedicated new business team continuously rolling out case studies and bolstering your internal marketing materials. In some cases, you might not even have a full-time business development employee who curates and crafts your RFP responses. So, when the inevitable monstrous RFP does land in your inbox, well, let the chaos begin.

Faced with this ever-recurring challenge, MBB decided to do something about it. Enter Assemblē – our new AI platform. It eliminates time spent cursing and digging around Sharepoint, reduces the efforts needed to rearticulate what we have already articulated 100x over and keeps both parties’ information proprietary in the process.

Built within a framework of MBB’s established messaging and backed with a business development persona, Assemblē navigates the intricacies needed to effectively draft an RFP submission. It diagnoses the ask, develops a messaging framework and assembles it almost instantaneously. Obviously, we work to humanize and enhance the output, but with Assemblē we’re already miles ahead of where we would be in minutes.

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Assemblē wasn’t created to cut corners. The main intent was to shift our efforts away from “have to-do” tasks to the “want to-do” thinking that MBB prides itself on. Whether it’s concepting for the next round of the RFP or focusing our efforts on the impacts we can make for current clients, the time saved is more opportunities gained.   

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While initially designed for the RFP-writing process, we are continuing to find more ways to implement Assemblē across the agency. From faster scope writing to assisting us in more-precise estimating, we’re excited about what Assemblē can assemble for us in the future.

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